With the 2016 ACT election just around the corner on Saturday 15 October, there are many territory and local issues for Canberra voters to consider: health, education, light rail, housing affordability, and the list goes on. All of these things are, of course, important, and of varying importance to you and your family, but this page is dedicated to policies related to climate change and comparing what the ACT Greens, ACT Labor and the Canberra Liberals are offering.
By comparing policies, you can make an informed choice when voting. Share and discuss the policies with family, friends, colleagues and complete strangers so that more Canberrans are aware of what they’re voting for. Of course, there are many smaller parties and independents also running so please search for their websites if you are after their policies.
The ACT Legislative Assembly is increasing in size from 17 to 25 members so electoral boundaries have changed and there are many more candidates than in previous elections. Also, voting rules are different for the ACT election than the recent federal election. Particularly, if you number only 5 boxes and none of those candidates gets a quota, your vote will not count toward any other candidate. Visit Elections ACT for information about how to ensure that your vote counts.
Visit the ACT Legislative Assembly website for more information about the territory parliament and current members.
This information was sourced from the parties’ own websites and policy documents. See the bottom of the page for the list of sources. We have as much as possible simply quoted directly from the sources, but have paraphrased where necessary to reduce the number of words or present information in a comparable format. Also, it can be difficult to determine in some instances whether funding for particular programs or initiatives is already included in or is additional to broader programs and whether proposed policies are for new or continuing funding. Refer to the parties’ own websites for the full original text and detail.
We have done our best to group policies together in themes
to allow for easier comparison, but many policies are relevant to multiple
themes so we have included some cross-references where this occurs.
Browse the table or jump straight to a theme: Party values, Overall view of climate change, Emissions reduction and fossil fuel transition, Renewable energy, Transport and infrastructure, Land management and conservation, Adaptation
Party |
Leader |
Shane Rattenbury |
Andrew Barr |
Jeremy Hanson |
Political spectrum |
“Left” |
“Centre-left” |
“Right” |
The Greens have a vision for Canberra that puts the community first. We are not a party for big business, developers or pokies. We will stand with the people, for the environment and the future of our city. |
ACT Labor is the party of fairness in Canberra. We have a proud record of fighting for equality and of countering discrimination and disadvantage. "There is no point in being in government if you cannot make people's lives better. And you cannot do that if you are not paying attention to the economy. I believe in the modern Labor values of progressive social reform and responsible economic management." Andrew Barr, Chief Minister |
What does the Liberal Party stand for?
In short, we simply believe in individual freedom and free enterprise; and if you share this belief, then ours is the Party for you. |
At this election, the ACT Greens are campaigning on the most ambitious climate and environment plan in the ACT's history. We're committed to 100% renewable energy by 2020, a carbon neutral Canberra by 2030, and more Green Homes for Canberra. |
Canberra is already one of the most sustainable cities in the world, and ACT Labor is committed to continuing this good work. We understand the importance of building a long-term perspective on sustainability and environmental protection. Our approach to building infrastructure, including transport and housing, is influenced by our strategy to preserve and protect Canberra’s natural environment. |
“The Canberra Liberals are committed to protecting our environment for future generations of Canberrans. We recognise the need to tackle climate change and will continue the Territory’s renewable energy target of 100 percent renewable energy by 2020.” Nicole Lawder MLA, Shadow Minister for Environment |
Target: carbon-neutral Canberra by 2030 Transition away from using gas: Invest $15 million over 4 years to:
See also Transport, particularly transitioning the bus fleet to clean technologies |
Target: zero net emissions by 2050. Sign up to the international ‘Under2MoU’ movement which originated from a partnership between California and Baden-Wurttemberg in Germany. Under2MoU brings together 129 states and regions across six continents that are leading the rest of the world in their commitments towards emissions reductions. Under Labor, the ACT will sign up following a personal invitation from California Governor Jerry Brown and South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill. Investigate establishing a green bond facility which will compliment regular bond issues. Money raised through a green bond would be used exclusively for government projects that meet set environmental criteria such as low carbon transport and energy efficiency projects. |
The Canberra Liberals recognise that renewable energy is an important part of our transition to a low emissions economy. |
Target: 100% renewable energy by 2020. |
Target: 100% renewable energy by 2020. ACT Sustainable Energy Policy 2011–2020 is already in place. |
Target: 100% renewable energy by 2020. |
Transport Deliver stage two of light rail to Woden, and later extend light rail right across Canberra - connecting north and south – to create a vibrant city that is sustainable and easy get around $57 million to expand and improve public transport including:
Transition bus fleet to clean technologies by 2030:
Active Travel Capital:
Better bike infrastructure including bicycle hubs for town centres and a bike share scheme Services Establish an Office of Water to manage all aspects of the water cycle including potable water, sewage, storm water and environmental flows Invest in establishing a nation leading recycling and innovation technology park, building on existing infrastructure at Hume Ban polystyrene packaging Work with the private market to support a new processing plant for organic food waste Fund an additional 100 double bins provided at local shops and town centres, phased in over 4 years $2.8 million for housing including energy-efficient housing:
Light rail: Building the first of a five-stage Canberra-wide Light Rail network Rapid bus plan: Committed to building a Rapid Bus Network for Canberra, which will include more rapid services, over 100 new jobs, including 80 drivers, 80 new buses, the design of a new North-side depot, and an investment of over $100 million to give Canberrans a real alternative to driving, alleviate road congestion and ensure our integrated public transport system grows with our city. Better streets and cycleways: including $2.7 million for priority footpath upgrades, building the ‘Belco Bikeway’ connecting the town centre with local education institutions, installing more bike racks in Braddon, upgrading the Stirling Avenue walkway starting in Watson, the Active Streets for Schools program, Active Living Program, Age Friendly Suburbs program, Towards Zero Growth: Healthy Weight Action Plan. Deliver green bins to every house that wants one, across Canberra, starting in Weston Creek and Kambah, followed by Tuggeranong in 2017, with the rest of Canberra to receive the service in the coming term of the Assembly. |
Overhaul the current solar access rules. The new system will be developed in consultation with industry and the community with a view to avoid the negative outcomes that have resulted from the existing solar access rules.^ Develop an Infrastructure Plan for Canberra’s future growth. The document will include residential areas, transport connections, areas of densification and employment. Public transport plan Integrated bus network will aim to offer all Canberrans the option of travelling from their suburb to the City in less than 30 minutes, even during peak hours. Eight rapid bus routes and parkway express services will create a new level of connections in Canberra. Travel times across Canberra will be reduced by dispersing rapid buses on numerous major arterial roads rather than all travelling on the existing Blue Rapid spine. The Rapid routes identified will serve as the basis for future bus lane and priority measure investments. The plan will be funded through the existing resources of ACTION and the reallocation of the funding for the Capital Metro Agency#. The initiatives include:
Autonomous cars: draft legislation released by the Canberra Liberals will provide for the safe testing and development of autonomous vehicles in the ACT. Autonomous vehicles have the potential to provide many benefits including increasing safety on the roads, increasing social inclusion and increasing fuel efficiency. A report from the Department of Infrastructure found that autonomous vehicles also have the ability to ease congestion on our roads. |
Agriculture, forestry, land/natural resource management, conservation |
Invest $16.8 million in planting an additional 7,000 new trees each year to address the heat island effect over and above current tree replacement program Establish a tree canopy target of at least 40% summer shade on Canberra streets Invest $20 million to improve waterways and urban lakes and support roof top gardens Invest approximately $7million in two new Community Irrigated Recreation Parks (CRIP) in West Belconnen and one in the south of Canberra Invest $300,000 per year to employ community co-ordinators to support volunteers in urban areas such as Park Care, Water Watch, and community garden volunteers Promote local food production including community gardens and better use of verges, and increase funding for community grants program. Commit $2 million per year in recurrent funding to ongoing weed and pest control. This will include targeting specific weeds, like African Lovegrass which poses a threat to biodiversity and agricultural productivity and increases fire risk Empower the newly created single conservation agency by funding additional staff and research capacity. This will help undertake strategic conservation planning and management, across the ACT and within the region in collaboration with NSW agencies and local governments, including strategic mowing, revegetation, and working with landholders to create the right incentives for habitat creation on privately leased land. Enforcing cat containment Appoint an eco-tourism manager Establish Ginninderra Falls National Park Undertake a detailed feasibility study into the establishment of a new National Park to conserve and showcase Lowland Grassy Woodlands potentially including Kinlyside, Mulligans Flat, Goorooyarroo, Mt Majura, Mt Ainslie, Mt Pleasant, Mt Mugga Mugga, Callum Brae and Isaacs Ridge |
Support the ACT Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) with a continued commitment of $140,000 for the next two years plus CPI (the federal Liberals cut national EDO funding by $10 million from 1 July 2014, which meant zero funding for ACT EDO). $800,000 over four years through the environment grants program, available to ACT community groups wishing to conduct local environmental projects. |
$120,000 ($40,000 per year for three years) for Landcare ACT to continue safeguarding the environment across the region through its catchment groups that focus on environmental issues like soil degradation, weeds, animal pests and erosion. Currently, Landcare ACT receives $60,000 per year from the Federal Government, but no funding from the ACT Government. Ensure that all town centres and other areas of high density living have access to high quality irrigated green space. |
Invest $10 million dollars to:
Strategic conservation planning, including identifying and actively managing biodiversity linkages and corridors to build resilience and help adapt to a changing climate, and building relationships with universities to undertake research aspects of this work and provide funding support for scholarships |
Emergency services: Hire more firefighters and more paramedics, invest in new equipment to help them do their jobs, start work on a new emergency services station in the CBD and strengthen our capacity to deal with bushfires. We’ll also introduce new measures to protect our emergency services workers Expand our firefighting capability with an additional pumper-aerial appliance. This fire truck will complement the existing fleet and provide extra firefighting capacity. Unlike a Bronto, a pumper-aerial provides a fully-crewed fire truck as well as additional aerial capability. Enhance our capacity to attack bushfires before they become a threat by partnering with the National Aerial Firefighting Centre and NSW RFS to contract an additional fast attack helicopter and by training additional volunteer Remote Area Firefighting Teams Support volunteers to maintain the required high level of fitness with subsidised gym memberships which will improve firefighter safety and the ability of our firefighters to get the job done No part-time fire stations Invest funding for feasibility and design of a new Fire and Ambulance Station in the city centre. This new centrally-located station would relieve demand on Ainslie, Aranda and Fyshwick fire stations, provide greatly improved response times in Civic and reduce demand on ambulance stations across Canberra’s regions, allowing them to focus on suburban emergencies |
Emergency services: Retain fire fighters in the communications Centre (ComCen) which receives the ESA’s 000 calls Provide an additional elevated fire fighting appliance (Bronto) and addition fire fighters for its operation, to ensure that the city is well protected in the event of major or multiple fires or emergencies Recruit 12 additional trained firefighters to operate the Bronto and ensure an important start in strengthening the workforce to cope with population growth. |
#Light rail will cost the ACT government $65 million per year for 20 years, paid to Canberra Metro Consortium from 2018 onwards (when services commence). This consitutes about 1% of the Territory's annual budget compared with 56% being spent on health and education. Damien Haas's article 'How are we paying for light rail in Canberra?' provides a good discussion about how light rail is being funded. What the Liberals mean by "reallocation of the funding for the Capital Metro Agency" in their bus plan is that they intend to cancel the contract for construction of light rail. Note, however, that the ACT Liberals previously were strong proponents of light rail – see their 2008 election policy 'Getting light rail on track' – and still admit that light rail might be needed in the future.
^The "current solar access rules" are Variation 306 to the Territory Plan introduced by the ACT Government in 2013. According to the Liberal policy document 'Planning for Canberra's future', "houses have been positioned to the northern edge of blocks in order to contain as much of the overshadowing in yards. This has resulted in many blocks having outdoor living spaces facing south. Further to this, the rules have resulted in estate plans being sub-optimally designed. In Moncrieff, hundreds of blocks have been designed in a north–south position in order to contain shadows at the front or rear of the block. This will result in hundreds of houses with lower energy efficiency and poor solar access due to living areas facing east and west."
*Strictly speaking, these firefighting resources are not discussed by the Liberals in the context of climate change or adaptation, only to address existing needs, but have been included here to compare with the Greens policy. Safeguarding the ACT community from Emergencies – elevated fire fighting platform and retain firefighters in call centre
ACT Greens website actgreens.org.au
Our clean energy future: Transitioning from gas to clean energy PDF document
Keeping Canberra green: enhancing our bush capital PDF document
Responding to bushfire risk: an investment in firefighting PDF document
Protecting our environment: Keeping Canberra Beautiful PDF document
Making homes more affordable: For everyone, including renters PDF document
People before developers: Bringing the Nightingale model to Canberra PDF document
Transforming Canberra into the active travel capital PDF document
Transforming transport: Clean, green public transport for Canberra PDF document
ACT Labor website actlabor.org.au
Subnational Global Climate Leadership Memorandum of Understanding, 'Under 2 MOU' under2mou.org
Transport for Canberra: Light rail to Woden PDF document
Transport for Canberra: More buses more often PDF document
Better streets and paths so all ages can get active PDF document
ACT Sustainable Energy Policy 2011–2020 PDF document
Canberra Liberals website canberraliberals.org.au
Planning for Canberra's future, 2016 PDF document
If you have feedback, questions, suggestions, let us know.